Thank you for your interest in our products! Here you can find news clippings and information about events we’ve been to. For press or media enquiries please feel free to contact us with any questions or requests.

White Magic is winner of “Retailer’s Choice Award”

White Magic Floor Pad INCLEAN Innovation Award Winners 2013

White Magic support Asthma Foundation in Queensland 2013

White Magic support Asthma Foundation in Queensland 2013

White Magic support Australi’s Biggest Morning Tea 2013

 White Magic in recognition of valuable contributions to the Mount Egerton Family Fun Day 2012


White Magic General Purpose Microfibre Cloth is voted by Women’s Weekly Product of the year 2012

White Magic support Asthma Foundation in Queensland 2013

White Magic Microfibre Spin Mop wins the prestigious Red Dot Design Award 2011

 White Magic General Purpose Microfibre Cloth is voted by Choice Australia as the BEST IN AUSTRALIA

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